Saturday, August 8, 2009

A couple pics from the latest Mexico Trip

So, from time to time I have the opportunity to join my friends of The Kaiizen Foundation for a road-trip down to Baja, Mexico to visit a local orphanage to hang with the kids and do some work. It's a great time and I usually come back a slightly less selfish and possibly, a slightly better person. Needless to say 17 hours straight in a car listening to the latest round of hipster-approved "underground" music that nobody knows about (except everyone that has ever seen an iPod commercial in the last 5 years), can take it's toll on a metalhead. But, I am quick to recognize that I am probably the only one in the car who wants to listen to Hotwire by Kix. So, I just wait till everyone is asleep to satisfy my rock-tooth.
This is called my favorite thing ever! Tacos al pastor with a Mexican Coke. It really doesn't get any better than this. I am a virgin so I can say that with the utmost sincerity.

This is just one of the kids at the orphanage that, for his age, can hand me my a$$ on a platter on the drums. Haha for real, these kids are pretty solid. Not to mention this kids grasp of self-branding. Enough to make Gene Simmons grin.

It gets hot on the way down. But it's nothing a little My Girls by Animal Collective can't cure (please kill me know).

Last but certainly not least. A rousing game of guess what just smacked the windshield. Heather won this round cause she had the best view. It was, at one point, a bird. So...

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