Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Steel Panther @ the Gallivan Center. Salt Lake City, Utah

There is no question that this was the place to be in SLC tonight! Local Band The Street opened up the show. I always enjoy seeing these guys perform. Check out their myspace HERE. Check out some of their tunes and their album is now available on iTunes.
Steel Panther after the first song. They took about 5 minutes in between songs to strike poses for the camera. Talented musicians for sure. Hilarious show. Glam Rock Resurrection. Just imagine a mix between Zoolander and a Poison Concert.
See what I mean? These guys know exactly what they are doing and they do it well. Check out their Myspace HERE.
My favorite Event Staffer of the night. He spent about 80% of his energy making sure to be right in my way for most of the night. Also, whenever the beach balls landed by him, he'd just leave 'em there instead of throwing them back to the crowd. Thanks Dude. You're a real peach.
Any Steel Panther show that comes remotely close to your hometown is NOT to be missed. You'll see what I mean when you enjoy this video with someone you love:

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